
Jesus said, "Therefore GO and MAKE disciples of all nations"

Missions are a significant part of Family Church. We strive to follow the scriptures written in Matthew 28:18-21 and Acts 1:8, that we are to bring the message of Jesus to all nations and people through actively supporting local missions throughout West Michigan, the United States, and international mission partners in El Salvador, Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Kenya. Each year we send multi-generational mission teams to different parts of the world to support our partners and bring the hope of Jesus.

Missions Teams

Explore upcoming mission trips where you can apply, track your progress, and donate. Visit our website to get involved and make a difference!
Grafted in Grace equips and supports families caring for vulnerable children, sharing Jesus’ hope. If you're an adoptive or foster family, complete our connect card for assistance and resources.
Through Kids Hope USA, students meet weekly with a mentor for one-on-one support, providing consistent, caring attention that makes a lasting difference in their lives.
We’d love to connect with you! Share your interest in missions, and we’ll help you find the perfect place to serve and make an impact.

Family Church Mission Partners

West Michigan Mission Partners

Doors of Hope, Holland , MI   Doors of Hope equips individuals with knowledge, confidence, and free resources that can break the cycle of crisis living.
Escape Ministries, Holland , MI   Sharing The Gospel with those that don't know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and teaching Christians to do the same
Gateway Mission, Holland, MI   Serves as a first step toward a new life for homeless men, women, and children, providing emergency services and long-term discipleship programs
Harvest Stand, Zeeland. MI    Harvest Stand has provided free food, clothing, and resources connection assistance to those in need in the Zeeland community.
Hope Pkgs, Holland, MI   Hope Pkgs provide HOPE, encouragement, and love in actions by creating first-night bags for children entering foster care.
Hungry for Christ, Hamilton, MI   Hungry for Christ is a food distribution ministry making a difference in the lives of hundreds of food insecure neighbors.
My House Ministries, Holland, MI   My House Ministries provide safe housing and restorative programs for women breaking free from abuse, addiction and chaos.
Positive Options, Holland, MI   Positive Options helps men and women experiencing unplanned pregnancies take positive options.  
Solid Rock Ministries, Zeeland, MI   Solid Rock Ministries provides affordable home repair services that empower individuals with hope and dignity.
Upward Bound, Zeeland, MI   Zero Gravity and One Way Ministries, programs to reach and present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the students

USA Mission Partners

HeartReach Center, Wasilla, AK   HeartReach serves Alaskan men and women needing answers about sexual health, a potential pregnancy or parenting support.

International Mission Partners

Amazon Water Project, Brazil   Jason and Kristyna Schuring drill wells to provide clean water and opportunities to preach the Gospel to indigenous people in the Rain Forest.
Helping Kenya Kids, Kenya   Our main goal is to bring Hope to the people of Kenya. We provide Hope within rural communities of Kenya in multiple ways. 
Mission French Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo   Mission French Africa radio broadcasts  to millions of Muslims, preaching the Gospel to French-speaking Africans to Christ.
Orphan Helpers, El Salvador   Transform the lives of abandoned and abused youth in El Salvador through Success Academies inside detention facilities