The executive leadership team is oversees the day-to-day operations of the church.

Adam Grill
Lead Pastor
Life Verse: Matthew 28:18-20
More about Pastor Adam
I avoided God's call into ministry for over ten years, until I realized I could no longer run from God and left the corporate construction career I held to step into ministry. My ministry path started in 2011 as a business and missions pastor until becoming the senior pastor at a small church in northern Michigan in 2015. In 2017, I listened to God's call again and took the lead pastor position at a small church plant in Zeeland, which today is now Family Church.

Keith Stewart
Ebenezer Campus Pastor
Life Verse: Matthew 6:33
More about Pastor Keith
In some ways, I am the last person someone may expect to go into pastoral ministry, but that is how God works - He uses unlikely people to do great things for his glory. God saved me, forgave me, and I encountered a love like no other. Because of that, I wanted to serve him. He placed an undeniable calling in my heart to serve within the local church, and I followed. So, in 2003, I began two significant journeys - I got married and started pastoral ministry. Since then, I've had the privilege of serving in churches of various sizes, multiple denominations, and in different roles. Eventually, God prompted me to be a lead pastor and revitalize a church, which confirmed a passion in my heart to see churches become healthy and thriving. Today, I have the honor of being a campus pastor at Family Church, where I get to lead a church to health and life!

Erik Dine
Grace Campus Pastor
Life Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6
More about Pastor Erik
In 1997, the Lord called me into full-time ministry, and I was hired as a janitor at a church called Calvary Chapel in Ft Lauderdale, FL. After serving there for two years, God called me to help start a church in Chattanooga, TN. I served at that church for over 20 years as an assistant pastor. My family and I also led a team from our church to do mission work among Muslims in Detroit for five years. In 2022, the Lord called us to join Family Church to oversee Disciple Making and to serve as the Grace Campus pastor...and the rest is history!

Derek Carpenter
Bob Wielenga
Campus Pastor
Missions Pastor
Life Verse: Matthew 16:24-25
More about Pastor Derek
I am a native of Holland and have served in various ministry roles during my 20+ years in ministry. From youth pastor, family ministries, church planter, church revitalization and lead pastor, my goal has been to reach as many for the Kingdom as I can. I am married to my beautiful wife, Christin, and we have five amazing daughters: Madelyn, Adriauna, Brooklynn, Annabelle and Briella.
Life Verse: Acts 20:24
More about Pastor Bob
I believe God asked me one day in the summer of 1980 if I wanted to be governor of Michigan or an Ambassador for Him; the Ambassador role in His Kingdom sounded pretty good. Since then, I started my lifelong career of reaching young people with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ through Youth For Christ. Since 1985, through a variety of phenomenal ministries, my wife Janet and I have done youth ministry, coordinated and led disaster relief efforts, introduced people to Jesus through community development efforts, provided pastoral and ministry development and coaching, and most recently, we served as a catalyst to cast a vision for serving Jesus through Family Church.

Amanda Poe
Redwood Campus - First Steps Champion
Life Verse: Galatians 6:9-10
Amy Mowery
Ebenezer Campus - Family Kids Leader
Life Verse:

Grant Brandsen
Family Students Pastor
Life Verse: Philippians 1:21
Family Students Pastor
Life Verse: Philippians 1:21
Jamie Stewart
Ebenezer Campus - Worship Leader
Life Verse: Psalm 91
Ebenezer Campus - Worship Leader
Life Verse: Psalm 91
Janet Wielenga
Missions Assistant
Life Verse: Luke 15:24 (NLT)
Missions Assistant
Life Verse: Luke 15:24 (NLT)
Jenny Grill
Redwood Campus - Secretary
Life Verse: Philippians 4:4-9
Redwood Campus - Secretary
Life Verse: Philippians 4:4-9

Matt Seaver
Redwood Campus - Worship Pastor
Life Verse: Proverbs 16:9
Redwood Campus - Worship Pastor
Life Verse: Proverbs 16:9
Michelle Walters
Next Steps Champion
Life Verse: Colossians 3:23-24
Next Steps Champion
Life Verse: Colossians 3:23-24

Rachel Kenemer
Grace Campus - Family Kids Leader
Life Verse:
Grace Campus - Family Kids Leader
Life Verse:
Rebekah Dine
Grace Campus - Secretary
Life Verse:
Grace Campus - Secretary
Life Verse:
Roxanne Cook
Ebenezer Campus - First Steps Champion
Life Verse: Revelation 21:4
Ebenezer Campus - First Steps Champion
Life Verse: Revelation 21:4

Stacy Hurd
Ebenezer Campus - Secretary
Life Verse: 1 John 4:18
Ebenezer Campus - Secretary
Life Verse: 1 John 4:18
Tim Vink
Network and Disciple Making Pastor
Life Verse: Luke 12:48
Network and Disciple Making Pastor
Life Verse: Luke 12:48
The board of directors holds the lead pastor accountable in various areas of life and ministry, helps the lead pastor
refine the church's vision, and approves the annual budget.

Bob LeHocky
Vice President
Life Verse: Romans 8:28
The vice president serves as the primary accountability partner to the lead pastor in all areas of life and ministry.

Dan Niswander
Team Liaison
Life Verse: John 14:1-4
The team liaison is the point of contact for all ministry leaders to ensure all staff members are helping volunteer leaders do what God has called them to do.

Ryan Sietsema
Life Verse: Isaiah 43:2
The treasurer oversees all financial aspects.