Living Hope
This song: "Living Hope" has really impacted my life! Sit and reflect on this for a moment. When we sing the verse "Jesus Christ, my living hope", I have to believe, this hope is something I can trust. Heavenly Hope was born in a barn, crucified and three days later, was resurrected. Heavenly Hope resides within us. His Hope rests on us like a weighted blanket. Our spirits groan inwardly knowing His presence is close by. We are renewed by this hope and in this hope, we can trust.
Worldly hope is wished for or comes by chance. Heavenly hope holds promise. The hope in scripture is strong, confident, and feeds our faith. Our watered-down uses of hope offer no guarantees. Biblical hope is a robust and confident expectation, resting with assurance in God's promises.
A hope that is this confident and assured changes our waiting, softens our disappointment, and strengthens us when we suffer trials. When we have tasted and seen the goodness, faithfulness, and love of the Father, we have a different kind of hope for the future. We have glimpsed the glory and promises to come. Our steadfast hope rests on His promises for our salvation, redemption, and restoration. Please listen to this song and rest in the Hope our Savior gives!